Grow and Evolve

Losing is not an option!

Losing is when you do not get the result that you want.

Winning or Losing is not in your control. What is in control is your effort.

This is true.

Let us call Life a game. And in this game, you play with yourself every day. You make decisions. Big or small. Consciously or sub-consciously. Every time. You take actions basis these decisions and these actions give you the results. And these results are in your hands.

This is also true. When you play with yourself, the result IS in your hands.

Let us look into a story with this context. This is my story when I was in my 20s.

The Background
I am a specially-abled person. During my schooling days, there was a time when I was so dependent on others that I had to be lifted from one place to another. I could not go out on my own. I could not play with children of my age. I had a strong need to move around independently.

The Story
I wanted to own a car and drive it. This was my dream. It was a sign of independence for me.
In the medical world, I am more than 80% physically challenged and cannot drive a NORMAL car.

To fulfil my dream, I booked Maruti 800. I had never attempted to drive and was not sure if I could ever drive one. But that did not matter.

After about a month or so the delivery day arrived. I requested my neighbour uncle and got my new car home. The next day, I requested him: Uncle, will you teach me to drive this car?  Uncle was hesitant. He was not sure if I could learn to drive. He saw in my eyes and could not say no. He said: Yes, of course, let’s go. Uncle took the car to the open ground in our neighbourhood. Once there, he gave the car key to me and said: All yours. I was now sitting in the driver seat for the first time. He was next to me. After some basics from the uncle, it was time for me to start the car.

I clearly remember that moment even today. The moment when I could make my dream come true.

I started the car. Some jerks here and there and the engine stop and start sometime or the other. But soon I got it. In 30 minutes, I drove my car home on my very first day. Everyone was astonished. I surprised myself as well. I experienced the power of my need which actually made it happen.

I started practising. Very soon I started driving confidently on the roads.

Now the next part of the story. I need a driving license to drive my car.

I applied for a learning driving license. The inspector failed me in the physical test examination just by looking at me. I was disappointed. I visited an orthopaedic doctor for help. I said I am already driving and told my story. I convinced him to issue me a certificate. The certificate said: I am physically fit to drive a normal car.

I started my process again and got a learner driving license. On the day of my driving test, I drove my car to the RTO but the inspector failed me in the driving test. He was clear he cannot pass me. I did not accept this decision and was adamant to talk to higher-ups. I managed, fortunately, to talk to the Asst Commissioner of Traffic Police (ACP) who was visiting this RTO at that time. After listening to me, he said to me: I will take your driving test.

The test went fine and the ACP approved to give me a driver license of ‘Invalid Carriage’. My car had no modifications. I only used a seat to increase the height of the driving seat and that’s all. It was not okay for me to have this written on my vehicle. I was adamant again. ACP smiled at me and approved a normal driving license for me. He saluted me and shook hands with me and wished me the best of luck.

End of Story.

Story Context:

I was playing this game all by myself.

I had many challenges. I had the choice to give up so many times but did not. I was very clear about what wanted and why I wanted it. I kept making decisions and actions to make it happen for me.

I broke so many rules to get the result I wanted.

Losing was not an option.


What was the last time that you went all out to get the result that you wanted?

Why did that happen?


Play to win with yourself.

Be more. Do more.

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2 years ago

Love your spirit Sunil! Failure is not an option when you play with yourself and any goal is achievable! Very inspiring!

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